How can remove dark spots and acne from face? Please tell me a cream or soap, I am 22 years boys, I have a big problem with acne And It's dark spots, I tried lot of cream and face washes ,they are not working on my face. So please tell me best dark spot remover soap or cream.
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Cinnamon & Honey Mask: Cinnamon has anti-microbial properties, so it can help stop acne from spreading and since honey is a natural antibiotic, this mask is a match made in heaven to fight acne. What you need for cinnamon and honey mask for pimple removal: ?2 table spoons Honey ?1 tea spoon Cinnamon Directions for use: 1Rinse your face with lukewarm water. 2Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon together until they are thoroughly blended and have formed a sort of sticky paste. 3Apply the mask to your face and leave on for 10-15 minutes. 4Rinse off completely, and pat your face dry. Result: Soft and supple skin. The spicy fragrance of cinnamon is like espresso for your skin.
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Sebozin face wash Skinlite/faceshine/glowshine Pigmentation is because of sun exposure Poor nutrition and stress Take rich diet like dates carrot beetroot Banana milk dry fruits Green vegs etc Drink daily 10-15 glasses of water daily Apply sunscreen lotion daily according to your skin type Take proper sleep and time to time food Pimples are bacterial infection generally seen in 15-25 years of age Cause oily spicy food Constipation Lack of water intake Hormonal changes Oily skin Poor quality soap or ointments etc Recovery may delay because of vitamin deficiency or poor nutrition Sun light polution oily skin dust also cause new pimples To avoid pimples: Avoid oily spicy junk food fast food Drink 10-15 glass of water daily Do not put oil in scalp more than 2 days Don't itch rub pimples Wash your face 2-3 times/day For treatment contact I need to see your pic Can you inbox me? For whitening soap ointment contact
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