I have Diabetic from 3 years but my sugar level remained between 140-180. Now I am taking Diapride M2 once a day as my sugar level rose to 350. My sugar level today was 226. I want to continue with proper medications for this. My BP is 140/90.
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Hi guest, Blood sugars vary with your diet too, please follow good any diabetic diet and exercise. You can go in for Ayurveda panchakarma for better long-term management of your sugar levels Take online audio consultation appointment, so that I could suggest you better.
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Lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. Blood glucose level of 350 mg is too high, suggesting that present treatment is too inadequate, needs to be upgraded. So your local doctor can help in giving appropriate drugs for that. It is necessary to maintain fasting glucose < 100 mg, PP 150 to 170 mg & HbA1c% <6.8. With one can prevent or postpone the long term complications of diabetes affecting a variety of vital organ systems. If online help is desired then please come back with following details: Fasting, PP glucose levels (current), HbA1c%, present medication with dosage, diet pattern, extent of daily exercise, weight and height, lipid profile and srum urea and creatinine, in a private conversation (paid consultation), then I will be able to give specific guidance and prescriptions also. In this communication we are supposed to give only general guidelines, no drugs can be prescribed. Thanks.
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