How many days after stopping Eltroxin do symptoms of hypothyroidism manifest? Pl also tell what should be the safe drug holiday frequency (one day in a week, three days in a month) for Eltroxin.
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Mr. lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. The hormone Levothyroxine is given daily to meet the daily needs to maintain various metabolic activities, maintain body temperature, maintain normal heart rate, brain functions etc. There is no question of anything like "drug holiday" Thyroxine is required to be supplemented on daily bases for lifetime. Uppose some one stops taking the hormone, then with in a few days to 2 -3 weeks all the symptoms will come back. Thanks.
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Better to take such type of treatment go for homoeopathic treatment. Its is safe and effective. And also you don't need life long medication. Certain duration if you do proper medication you may not need further any stress to continuing your complain again. And also you may get better in your all complain like GERD, vitamin deficiency.
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