I'm 20 years old and suffering from damaged, hair fall thus increasing rate of hair is below normal. This hair problem is from past 8 months. Also facing the pimple, acne problems these days which never happened before .What should I do?
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Hi There are so many reasons for hatfall. Mainly in females PCOD thyroid problems and low serum ferritin and low hb levels. So please eat proper nutritional food and drink plenty amount of water. If you want my help please message me.
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You are suffering from hormonal changes causing Androgenetic alopecia causing hair fall. It's completely stoppable even regrowth of hair is possible with certain medications without any side effects. Treatment depends on the grade of hair loss. So, it's a must for diagnosing which grade, you are in for an effective treatment. Please send photos of your head, by direct online consultation for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
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