I'm suffering from high BP since last week. Earlier, whenever I checked it used to be normal. However, since last week I'm seeing sudden spike in my BP average BP is 100/150. Can someone please suggest what might cause the sudden spike?
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May be your lifestyle and diet You do not need any medicines for bp because it is a lifestyle disease Hypertension is a lifestyle disease which needs only lifestyle solution and education about the disease and never ever medication. BP medicines can cause serious side effects .Your Doctor is never going to talk about this. Read in depth about it before you take your medicines. Do not get misguided and land up in more complications. Reversible causes of BP like Mineral, Vitamin deficiency, Thyroid disease ,Anxiety, Stress etc needs to be fixed which will cure your high BP Doctors lack, nutrition knowledge, have vested monetary interests and do incomplete lab testing and do not offer natural solutions. Never believe in the lies told by doctors that you have to take BP medicines lifelong. They are completely misguiding you. 1) Detailed history including dietary & lifestyle habits needed in addition to medical, occupational, environment ,and family history 2) Comprehensive lab testing needed which should have tests for inflammation and mineral deficiency. Master health check ups done in high tech hospitals and labs are incomplete because they are doing what they want and not what your body actually needs .That is the reason your tests are normal but you are not normal and end up online doing doctor shopping. Get rid of your high BP by changing your doctor if he is not identifying the root cause, not answering your questions to your satisfaction and if he is rushing through your appointment and only interested in medicating you rather educating you. Send feedback with name ,contact number and take consultation, if you want to reverse your high BP without medication. I have taken off bp medicines for several patients because I am trained in nutrition and lifestyle medicine in USA. Avoid complications of both elevated Blood pressure and the Medicines by taking a consultation and Get rid of your elevated BP and BP medications for ever .Get educated and never medicated for your BP which would happen only with a consultation and correct advice.
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