Sir my papa is heart patient please suggest me the diet for my papa. As he has also given one stunt. So please tell me the right answer. I am waiting sir.
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Main priciple of diet is to avoid 3f ie no fry, fatty and fast food. Avoid egg yolk, prawn, banana. Fast food also samosa, kochhury, any marketted prepared food. Total quqantity of food should be onethird less of ordinary food. If he had failure in hosp, then fluid intake should be restricted to 1.5 litre. For the diet most preferabl is main principle in diet is to avoid 3fie no fry, fatty & fast food. Also avod meat yolk of egg, prawn & banana. In fact more vegetable & fruits are preferabl. Take plenty of fruits. Total quantity of foods willbe 3/4th of original khana. If he had failure of heart in hospital then fluid intake should 1.5 litre'
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