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Hello Lybrate user. Now a days every 3rd person is going through stress tension everyday. But think once does anyone or any situation can give you stress until and unless you don't allow .stress lies in ourself ,in our body, its like that some one can enter in your house only if you will allow that person to enter. Its the theoretical part lets come to its practical approach many times thing happens that we can't stop it or its out of our control so we starts to feel pressure, stress ,tension and our state of mind becomes such that in this type of conditions that we some time don't see its solution which could be so simple. So mainly what you need is slightly change in your approach towards life .for this please take help of any professsional. If you need my help ,you can contact me online. Take care.
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There are many factors that could be affecting your over all depression and feeling of emptiness. A few of them are: Psychological stress - you might be undergoing stress about a lot of things - work, relationships, family - all these can get you depressed. How you view yourself - you might be thinking that you are a failure, or that you have not achieved anything worthwhile Broken relationships - maybe there is someone in your life that you miss, a parent or sibling, or even a very close friend, and they have left you too soon. Some people feel they have lost a part of themselves when they lose someone. Conflict - do you feel like you want to be someone else but can?t? To do something else but are pressured to stay at your current state? These can make your frustrated and depressed. Solutions: Take a break from your daily routine, and do something that could make you happy, like helping at a community center, playing with a child, or going to a nice quiet place like the beach. Talk to a friend who can understand your situation - it helps that the friend is not going to be judgemental, but it would be okay if that friend is just there to listen. Mend your heart by moving on - accept the loss and let them be part of you, not someone you have lost but someone who lives through you. Do something outrageous and daring - take a roadtrip, join a nature trek, anything that you can do that helps break the shell. Most of all, get professional help if you can afford it. We may suggest things, but we are not experts.
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