I could not live without my bf since the second I saw him for very first time in my life to this day after 8 years also. THE SECOND I SAW HIM, its like i am sitting IN VERY WORLD'S BIGGEST GIANT WHEEL. I felt pit in my stomach, racing heart beat, Difficult breathing, I wanted to be around him more constantly, chest achin, felt as if my heart was wringin, restlessness, nervousness! I felt scared. My mind felt dark, it was not happy, that was only fear Since my birth I never felt this way anytime on anyone not even once. But when I saw him very first time, all these happened for hours til I fall asleep in dh night THESE emotions STARTED ONLY with HIM & NEVER GONE EVEN AFTER HE LEFT ME! I feel this way only with him alone I feel him home since the very fast single bit of second I saw him, felt scary too I FEEL EXACTLY HOW IT feels AFTER doing breathing EXERCISE WHEN I AM with HIM I feel flinch whenever he putz his arm around me. Not oly my bf, I know more boyz, I mingle with boys a lot more than girls. I have spent time alone with boys and exchanged our feelings n stories, I roam with them, have with them, MOVED CLOSELY PHYSICALLY & SEXUALLY ALSO BUT Nobody made me feel like him. I have slept with others & with him also! I have emotionally got attached to others too! ABOVE everything only HE makes ME FEEL DEATH & PLEASURE, HELL & HEAVEN! Now its been 8 years of togetherness yet these feelings have not reduced a lil bit, no matter what he does I AM A CHRISTIAN PENTECOSTAL GIRL. I KNOW & BELIEVE IN THE TRUTH OF BIBLE. I KNOW GOD'S POWER IM ANOINTED VID HOLY SPIRIT I KNOW FULL BIBLE I WORSHIP GOD I HAVE FELT THE TOUCH OF INNER HEALING IM VISITING PSYCHOLOGIST SINCE 3years, MET MANY TOP BEST psychologist FOR THE EMOTIONS IM FEELING SINCE THE VERY SINGLE BIT OF SECOND I MET HIM & TO DIZ DAY I COULD not ABLE TO LIVE VIDOUT VINU. ITZ BEEN 8years OF BATTLE, IM DONE VID EACH & EVERY SINGLE TECHNIQUE YET IM facing SAME PROBLEM DAY & NIGHT IM A meditation TOO SINCE years But whenever I see his profile, anybody talks about him, Not oly dat, each & every single bit of the second I feel the way how he made me feel lik I felt fa very first tym whn I saw him, To diz second also im feeling this way oly. Now Doctor, My question iz oly abu wat happen 2 me dh moment I just saw him fa very fast tym (as explained in above lines) & Why it happened oly vid him! Doctor please I just request yu, even if yu dint say how it can be treated But I wanna know watS reason behind my addiction at my first sight on him? What is it called as so that I can surf more abut it on net? I wanna know the cause of addiction at first sight & Y im not feeling it on others even aft 8years & y dint it happen vid other males before I see him? Wat kind of emotion feelings iz diz! No counselling No therapy No meditation No self esteem No prayers No medicine No bible can bring me out of this since 8 years! I tried accepting all those feelings yet no result. Its over power me beyond all.
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Dear lybrate-user, When you meet your boyfriend or just think about him you get highly anxious. Which have now converted into obsession. Reason for this high level of anxiety may be the fear of saparation or getting dumped or might be related to any of your previous experience. If still you are not having the clarity about the reason then you can consult me through Lybrate.
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Dear, you are very young and matured. I understood your feelings but do your love one feeling 1% out of 100% as you feel. I think no. Now ask your mind if you are trying to put your lovely love into a bowel but bowel is leaking, how long? So life is onetime offer, enjoy as your mind command you. Over secretion of happy hormone may not help you but to be balanced so far ayurved is concern. Thanks.
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