I suffer rage attacks of destruction and screaming for hours, depression, insomnia, vivid musical memories, or what sometimes appears to be musical hallo. Also only once visual hallo. Of streaking flashes of light with extremely miniature face on wall vividly real whose mouth was moving as if speaking though no sound. I get nervous shocks in chest often along with shivering in chest from sounds, and funny rising feeling in stomach that we suspect temporal seizure activity or something. Most problem is severe irritability to noises and stimulus so much unable to sit still and rage attacks of destroying things shouting in acute frenzy. Im on risperidone but want to quit for side effect. Tried many other neuroleptic did not work. Inderal la, clonidine did not work at high dose. Antidep tend to increase symp. Are there alternative to neuroleptic? Does naltrexone work for rage? Does this sound like temp. Epilepsy or postconcussion longterm symp. Since 13 years problem. Now age 27.
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Hello Lybrate user. Don't decide by yourself whether you are in depression or not. Please consult any professional .if you need my help you can contact me online also. Need to know more things to rule out much clear picture. Its good that you are able to control yourself. Infact you are facing conflicts between your negative and good thoughts, just think for few minutes and focus what is bothering you. Its no doubt that different types of negative thoughts makes our life hell. But think once is the origination of these thoughts are from some external place -no ,its originating from yourself only, so you can stop it definitely what it requires is the way to deal with this .And once you will learn this you will able to control your emotions feeling thoughts. At your condition may be at present its difficult for you to control your internal conflict so you can take help of any counsellor .just focus on yourself your career, involve yourself in some activities, write down your thoughts feelings on paper it will help you a lot. Take care.
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