I am 27 and I've a lateral fungal intramural fibroid noted measuring 5.1* 5.4* 4.9 and uterus antiverted, bulky in size measures 8.4* 5.0 * 6.8 cm and retroflexed. And now I want to plan pregnancy but is that ok without going laparoscopy or else is it must to get treated? please help me.
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Chrysarobinum 0/2 once a wk Bacillinum.1msingle dose Sepia200 once a day for 4days Sulphur30 2tims day for 4days Apis Mel12c 3times days for 4days Tellurium1m one dose Rhus Tox200 once a day for 4days Ask me in private so dat we can discuss in better manner and also u wil improve Also we can change d medicine
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This is a tricky condition. The need of laparoscopic fibroid removal before planning pregnancy would depend on whether it is distorting the lining of the uterus or not. In absence of infertility, misscariage, tubes open or fibroid being away from lining you can try to concieve for few cycles. If pregnancy doesn't happen, surgery may be planned.
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