Hi, I under went surgery for piles and fistula 3 months before. Now I find a small pimple like thing in anus. I am scared very much.
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It is very much indicative of recurrence of Fistula. It is common observation that recurrence rate of fistula after surgery is very high. However Ayurveda recommends Ksharsutra treatment for Fistula. Clinical trials conducted by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) have proved that Ksharsutra treatment is more convenient and more effective than surgery in patients suffering from Fistula. In this treatment; Ksharsutra - a medicated thread is placed in Fistula tract. Medicine released from Ksharsutra works for 5-7 days. So old Ksharsutra needs to be replaced by a new one at a week or 10 days interval. No. Of Ksharsutra changes required fro complete healing of Fistula depends on depth, direction and branching pattern of Fistula. It is observed that Fistula heals @ 0.5 to 1 cm per sitting. So a fistula tract of 3 cm length usually needs 4-5 weekly sittings for complete healing. For further support and appointment you may call reception at Sushruta Ano Rectal Institute.
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