Hi, I am 21 years old. I used hydroquinone creams for curing my pimples. But it got black. With more pimples, blackheads and white heads as well. Sir please give me a safe solution. For this.
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Acnes are because of some internal problem. By applying soap/ face wash/ ointments, its not going to get treated. As soap etc only remove dust etc on external surface. To prevent pimples, eating fresh fruits, green vegetables, drinking plenty of water should be an essential part of your routine and intake of oily fried foods, an excess of sugar-salt should be avoided. Don't peal pimples, as they tend to leave scars. For permanent cure you need constitutional medicines, for that I need detailed case history.
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Acne or pimples. Due to hormonal changes. Oily skin causes it. Common in adolescent age. May occur in adults also. Food like Oily foods, ice cream, chocolate and sweets increase it. Treatment depends on the grade of pimples or acne. So, please send photos by direct online consultation as it's a must to see which grade of pimples or acne for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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