I am 22 years old. I have acne for past 3-4 months and it was many in amount. Now big one or two acne is present. I use suncros sunscreen and doctor prescribed me with tivenca gel. How does it works? Is it effective?
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Tivenca Gel has temporary relieve your acnes. U NEED some permanent solution for acne. AYURVEDA OFFERS ROOT LINE CURE TREATMENT FOR ACNE. SAFE .NATURAL. NO SIDE EFFECTS TIPS TO REDUCE ACNE 1.Properly wash your face To help prevent pimples, it?s important to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat daily. Washing your face more than twice a day preferably with luke warm water. 2.Know your skin type-Anyone can get pimples, no matter their skin type. Oily skin is the most pimple-prone. 3.Moisturize skin-Moisturizers help skin stay hydrated. 4.Limit makeup-Greasy or oily shampoos, body washes, shaving creams, and hair styling products may all cause pimples. 5.Don?t touch your face-Your hands encounter grime and bacteria constantly throughout the day. And each time you touch your face, some of those pore-clogging impurities may get transferred to your skin. 6.Limit sun exposure-Frequent sun exposure dehydrates the skin, which over time causes it to produce more oil and block pores. Exposure- 7.Avoid certain foods-Avoid more sweet acidic fast junk food and cold beverages .Eat more fruits Vegitables and nuts. 8.Consult properly to doctor and take treatment under proper medical advise. No self medications. 9.Avoid stress-Reduce stress-Stress doesn?t cause pimples, but it may make them worsestress. 10. Drink plenty of water per day. U can consult on 7.7.0. HOME REMEDIES Steps- 1.Neem lemon turmeric honey tumari paste face wash 2.Neem turmeric aloe tumari face steam 5 min 3.Neem aloe termeric face wash. 4.Aloe neem turmeric chandan face pack 15 min 5.Luke warm water wash 6.Drink Aloe Vera amla juice 10 ml both daily once. I NEED your DETAILED HISTORY INVESTIGATIONS AND PREVIOUS MEDICATIONS TREATMENT DETAILS TO ASSESS your PROBLEMS IN DETAIL. U CAN CONSULT ME FOR THIS PROBLEM. I WISH U HAPPY HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS LIFE AHEAD GOD BLESS YOU. REGARDS.
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Hello. The scars and the pigmentation on the face are treatable. It's better to get it examined first so that we can identify the type of skin, scars and if they are hyper pigmented, atrophic or ice pick scars. The treatment are of various kind like ranging from simple scrubs and mild peels for the face to the major interventions such as laser therapy, dermaroller, subcision or peeling. These depend on the type of the scars and which kind you opt for. You can consult me online or text me with pictures for further details.
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