Hi I am having acne on my face these acne are too small and very hard and no pus but it leaves spots on my face when it dry. What to do for this deep spots, I used (kojic acid and vitamin E) composition ointment for these marks. But no result. What to do for a clearing these marks and my forehead turn dark when im stressed and when im out for sunlight.
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Wash your face no more than twice each day with warm water and mild soap made especially for acne. Do not scrub the skin or burst the pimples, as this may push the infection further down, causing more blocking, swelling, and redness Keep your face clean. Whether or not you have acne, it's important to wash your face twice daily to remove impurities, dead skin cells, and extra oil from your skin's surface. Moisturize..Try an over-the-counter acne product. Use makeup sparingly. Combine one part tea tree oil with nine parts water. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply it directly to pimples. Apply moisturizer, if desired. Repeat this process one to two times per day, as needed.
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Its not a big problem it takes time to go away. The stains look dirty due to being on the face, and the face we see all the time, therefore, it seems that the stains are not disappearing but they go from their time. You just have to take care of your skin. Clean your face with good facewash acco to your skin texture, scrub your face weekly, after face wash apply moisturizer cream, before going out apply sunscreen lotion, lemon ras apply on face avoid aye area on alternative day.
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Hello. The scars and the pigmentation on the face are treatable. It's better to get it examined first so that we can identify the type of skin, scars and if they are hyper pigmented, atrophic or ice pick scars. The treatment are of various kind like ranging from simple scrubs and mild peels for the face to the major interventions such as laser therapy, dermaroller, subcision or peeling. These depend on the type of the scars and which kind you opt for. You can consult me online or text me with pictures for further details.
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