Hi Sir, I am female age 28 have hypothyroidism taking thyronorm 100 mcg tab every day. I have joint pain, back pain, cold sensation, hair fall, fatigue, in all above symptoms can I start omega 3 with multi vitamin.
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Its not advisible to provide medicine online. Relieve joint pain Use an electric blanket or moist heating pad at night to keep your joints loose. Cold treatments are best for relieving joint pain, swelling, and inflammation. Wrap a gel ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables in a towel and apply it to painful joints for quick relief. Relieve back pain at homeUse an ice pack and an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. After the inflammation calms down, a heating pad or pack can help soothe muscles and connective tissue. If you have chronic back pain, sleep on a medium-firm mattress Prevent the Common Cold The common cold. The common cold usually involves symptoms including runny nose, cough, sore throat, and sneezing. What causes the common cold, and how is it spread. Wash your hands often. Avoid touching your face. Don't smoke. Use disposable items if a family member is infected. Keep household surfaces clean. Wash toys. Hair fall Coconut milk is rich in protein and essential fats that promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. When applied to the hair, coconut milk provides quick results. Apply the milk thoroughly onto the scalp and into your hair. This remedy is good for dandruff, hair loss and baldness. Self-help tips to fight tiredness Eat often to beat tiredness. Get moving. Lose weight to gain energy. Sleep well. Reduce stress to boost energy. Talking therapy beats fatigue. Cut out caffeine. Drink less alcohol.
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Lybrate-user ji, Thanks for the query. Madam have checked TSH level recently? Because all the symptoms mentioned point to uncontrolled hypothyroidism, which means present dosage of Levothyroxine is not adequate. Looking at your weight and height, it is clear that with a BMI of 30 .25 kgs/Sq meter (normal < 23 kgs/Sq meter), you are already in grade 1 obesity. This also points to uncontrolled hypothyroidism. TSH should be maintained around 3 to 4 mU/L for being free from all the symptoms. Thanks.
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