Hi I have bad odour problem and that lead me to anxiety. The more I stress and feel anxiety when people near to me the more I sweat and start smell. Now I am consulting a pschycaristic for the first time and she gave a anxiety pills for 20 days. Its definitely need a change in behaviour and thinking that I got to know but I am also planning to take miradry surgery. Is it eliminate my body odour and solve my problem. Because I think if there is no apocrine gland even tough I will get anxious it won't sweat and ultimately won't sell and slowly slowly I may get confident. Please suggest someone.
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Naturally Reduce Anxiety Stay active. Regular exercise is good for your physical and emotional health. Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol is a natural sedative. Stop smoking. Smokers often reach for a cigarette during stressful times. Ditch caffeine. Get some sleep. Meditate..Eat a healthy diet. Practice deep breathing.
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This is a good to you to aware about hygiene. Use dettol, and body soap. Aroma body wash and two times of bath with the pears soap.
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Hello Friend, Good that you are seeking a help here. Sweat and body odour are outcome of exceess body heat caused by food habits, environmental and also stress. So it need holistic approach of stress management and also dietary changes and few lifestyle changes to maintain body heat. In ayurveda terms, it's called as imbalance of pitta or fire energy in the body. Feel free to reach me to understand the alternate solutions.
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