Dear sir I am facing depression so what should I do less sleep tired mind I am boring in my life.
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Prevent Depression: Find ways to handle stress and improve your self-esteem. Take good care of yourself. Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. Reach out to family and friends when times get hard. Get regular medical checkups, and see your provider if you don?t feel right. Get help if you think you?re depressed. If you wait, it could get worse If you do have depression, you can do a few things to keep it from getting worse. Stick with your treatment plan. If you are on medicine, take it as prescribed, whether you feel good or not. Don?t skip therapy sessions. Let your doctor know what is and isn?t working for you. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. It may seem like these make you feel better. But they can actually make it harder to treat your depression. Try ways to fight stress, like meditation and yoga. Spend time with family and friends. Think about joining a support group. Do things that keep you connected to others. Know yourself. Pay attention to the things that seem to make your symptoms worse. Keep notes and tell your doctor or therapist about it. Don?t make big life decisions on a day when you?re feeling down. Talk to your therapist or doctor about medicine that can stop depression from coming back.
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Dear lybrate-user, Depression is not only a pure mental illness. It has many physical manifestations like decreased sleep, less appetite, tiredness, boredom and lack of interest in any activity. If you experiencing low mood with these symptoms I recommend you to take medications. Contrary to popular belief, newer antidepressants like SSRI and SNRI are very safe and have less side effects. If you are already on Sertin, then Sertin 100 once daily should be good for you. Along with it you can go for Tab Lonapam MD 0.5 once daily at bedtime for 2 weeks. Along with medications it is also advisable that you do light exercise like cycling or jogging for 30 minutes per day and indulge in your hobbies for one hour per day (like music, dance, painting, photography or any activity of your liking). All this will help you recover fast. For details you are always to seek my help in private. Take care.
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I believe you should discuss your concerns in detail with a mental health professional to gain an insight about nature of problem and ways to overcome it through psychotheraputic techniques Consult with me or any psychologist for therapy and counseling Connect with me through text or audio on Lybrate app All the best Seek help for early recovery.
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Dear Sir, Please continue the Medications as prescribed and be in regular vibrant with your psychiatrist. Certain lifestyle techniques can be helpful. Healthy diet, regular exercise, meditation and yoga cam help you. Engage in a hobby. Thanks.
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