Hello. I would like to ask if Apple Cider Vinegar is effective to remove blemishes and traces of acne or even acne itself? Thank you.
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Well, there hasn?t been enough research to prove that ACV helps in treating acne. But, the good news is, we have gathered some evidence that shows it might be useful in combating the bacteria that causes acne. Vinegar is extremely effective in killing many strains of bacteria. Although there aren?t many studies to show that apple cider vinegar can kill the strain of bacteria that causes acne, the organic compounds found in the vinegar can do that. Let?s take a look:
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No. Acne or pimples. Due to hormonal changes. Oily skin causes it. Common in adolescent age. May occur in adults also. Food like Oily foods, ice cream, chocolate and sweets increase it. Treatment depends on the grade of pimples or acne. So, please send photos by direct online consultation as it's a must to see which grade of pimples or acne for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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