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I am 21 years old I am suffering from pimples from 15 years onwards. I have consulted nearly 6 doctors when I use medicine the pimples will go after stopping again it was coming. Please give me last medicine to cure pimples with out coming again.
2Doctors Answered
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It must always be remembered that acne (pimples) is a recurrent condition depending on your body's internal homeostasis. Appropriate treatment and suitable lifestyle changes can only help to control it to a great extent.
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Dear lybrate-user, Acne or pimples can be controlled with the right medication and skin care, however, it is an ongoing process. The patient has to put in an equal amount of effort as the doctor. A good diet, regular exercise, good skin care and right medication can keep pimples away. It would be a good idea to consult personally with a doctor near you.
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