I had sex with my partner. I found the condom had a hole. I'm really scared. He didn't ejaculate but when I filled the condom with water I found some white colloidal. Which medicine should I take. It's been an hour we had sex please prescribe me so! e medicine. I'm 17.
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Nothing to worry if no ejaculation.
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Try I pill tablet but consult before taking.
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Dear user. TO CAUSE PREGNANCY on a woman, sperm should be ejaculated inside the vagina or fresh sperm should be inseminated inside the vagina with some means during the fertility period of the woman. There are many determinants of pregnancy. You should be sexually matured. Your partner should be sexually matured. The period of your partner should be in the fertile stage. Her egg and your sperm cells should be healthy enough. Then her uterus should be capable to get conceived. If all these were satisfied, the pregnancy could be a result. Semen do not pass through clothes to make pregnancy. Sex during periods does not cause pregnancy. Usually precum do not contain any sperm cells. Period means disintegration of the uterus membrane which is meant to be for the child. Swallowing male sperm cannot cause pregnancy. If you have taken unwanted 72 within 72 hours of intercourse, the chances of pregnancy is low. In the given case, there are less chances of pregnancy. Talk to a gynecologist for advice. Take care.
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