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Hii, I have faced kidney stone problem 5 years back and it was diagnosed without any surgery or operation. The doctor used crushing method and the complete treatment was taken around 6-10 hr. Of the day and I am totally fit and fine. Now, after 5 years I am filling same stone pain moving from my back to abdomen side and after touch on corner I fill broken sound inside my body. Now, my pain is increasing badly sometimes and am not filling myself medically fit. In between I am facing some piles problems also. I visited near by clinic and without any diagnostic test doctor had given me pilex tablet and pilex ointments for piles which is beneficial now and for stone pain doctor had given me neeri syrup and some tablets. Now after taking continuously 1 week medicine I am not happy with treatments and I am filling fearful. I wants 1 help that can I took 2 doctors consultations for this multiple illness or I can visit for one doctor for both treatment. What should I have to do for this?
2Doctors Answered
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for kidney stone Gkshuradi Avleh 3 gm twice a day for piles problem Sootshekhar Ras 125 Mg Twice a Day Arshoghn Avleh 10 Gm Twice a Day Arshoghn Malham Relief In 5-6 Days and for Complete Cure Take it for 60 Days Only Avoid Oily and Spicy Food
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Piles is not emergency issue unless its severely bleeding. First get the ultrasound done so that you will be able to know about size and location of your stone. Do not ignore stone pain for long it can affect your kidney. You can consult general surgeon as primary doctor for diagnosis, if your stone requires surgical management he will be able to guide you to urologist.
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