Hi doctor, me and my my wife have o positive and o negative blood groups my son is b negative I'm emotionally affected because of this reason can you help me b negative is possible for my son.
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You must be known about blood groups that o is universal donor and ab blood group is universal recipient. Each of blood group generates antigens in pairs. Each biological parent donates one of two abo genes to their child. The a and b genes are dominant and the o gene is recessive. For example, if an o gene is paired with an a gene, the blood type will be a. For instance, a parent with o blood with 2 o genes and a parent with a blood with 2 a genes will have an a blood type child with one a gene and one o gene. A�a = a blood type a�o = a and o blood type b�b = b blood type b�o = b and o blood type o�o = o blood type a�b = a, b and ab blood type rh factor the rh factor is simply a protein that is found on the covering of the red blood cells. If your red blood cells have this protein, you are rh positive. If your blood cells don't have this protein, you are rh negative. Just as everyone inherits abo genes, every person inherits one rh factor gene from each parent. The rh-positive gene is the dominant gene when paired with an rh-negative gene.
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Yes it is possible.
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