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Health Query
She is diabetes. Taking insulin iglucent mix 50 twice. 14 units n 10 unit. Also istamet50/1000 twice, glimimisave 2mgtwice, volix 0.2 mg twice. Is there any substitute of insulin as tablet form, or any other generic med ,as our expenses may low. Today her fasting 126, hba1c 10%as on 1st oct 2018 please suggest thanks.
2Doctors Answered
93% (6110 ratings)
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There is no other form of insulin except injection. You can request your doctor to suggest some economical brand of insulin.
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Mr M D Agrawala, Thanks for the query. With HbA1c% 10, it is clear that diabetes is not in control. That is the reason Insulin injections have been added in the treatment. There is no mention as to from when is on the insulin injections. Plus it is also necessary to know her serum creatinine & urea levels, to look at the possibility of reducing or discontinuing Insulin. Unless blood glucose level is strictly controlled, it is not possible to discontinue Insulin. Thanks.
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