I have got depression, anxiety and schizophrenia since a long time. For depression and anxiety, I am put on nexito 20 mg 1-0-0. For schizophrenia, I am put on fluanxol 1 mg 1-0-0 and 3 mg 0-0-1, which is also a good anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drugs and sizopin 25 mg 0-0-1. I have just stared fluanxol, say, only since 3 days. This combination is yet to give me relief. I feel, with prolonged use, say, for 20 days, the remission will occur. My question is with prolonged use, will I get relief? This question is to a qualified and competent psychiatrist only. Please answer to the point and do not tell me to consult my psychiatrist. Please confirm.
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Dear, the goal of treatment is usually not to cure the individual but to improve the quality of life. 1) goal sensory-perceptual disturbance a. Identify the nature and etiology of delusions b. Rule out the presence of concomitant medical conditions as etiology of delusions c. Look for signs of the person withdrawing into self d. Keep stress and anxiety at a minimum and educate regarding the relationship between stress and anxiety to perceptual disturbance e. Increase awareness for patterns of talking or laughing to self f. Monitor for disorientation and disordered thought sequencing g. Confront distortions and misinterpretations with reality testing, and encourage the person to define and test reality 2. Ineffective coping a. Facilitate identification of stressors contributing to increased anxiety and agitation, which result in the disorientation of person b. Be honest and open about what is or will be taking place so as to decrease suspiciousness and to increase trust c. Confront distorted thinking, facilitate reality testing d. Encourage consistency in the environment
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