Can psychologist or psychiatrist able to read what he is thinking. During consultation with mental health professionals mainly psychologist I experience fear of reading my intrusive thoughts. I have fear of psychologist how to overcome it the problem started when I was studying at 7th standard. During class time I was thinking of sexual thoughts according to my desire. During that time class teacher was constantly watching at me at the time I didn't take it seriously but after a few weeks he say what a boy thinks in mind it was correct. He says he can read all students mind. After few weeks I think of did he read my mind? Did he read my sexual fantasy? I constantly think worry and stress about that incident. Later after few years this sexual intrusive thoughts starts to popup to all teachers during eye contact or if I feel they judging me .this makes my school life very horrible. Later he says he studied psychology after that I experience fear with all teaching professionals and mental professionals. Psychologist psychiatrist. Please explain.
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Nobody can read anyone else's thoughts: no one is a mind reader. You are needlessly troubling yourself and frightened of professionals who are genuinely out there to help you. Why would they be a threat. We are dependant on what the counselee tells us and how much they open up. Yes, we do read face language and body language to augment what you are saying. But this is done to see how we can help you. If I can read your thoughts that will be fabulous in order to help you better. We are entirely dependent on your communication and can only help you to the extent you have shared about your problem. Some of us are insightful, perceptive, and can deduce more than what is being said, again only to help you. Otherwise we will be in the detective business. Anyway if you want the best help, then you must open up and equip us to be of assistance to you and your life. I hope this eases your discomfort. Sometimes because of guilt we project our fears onto other people and things and read too much into a situation.
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Hello Lybrate user, first of all relax! nobody except you and only you who can read your mind. Psychologist and psychiatrists are not mind readers. We are trained and study the discipline of human behaviour. Where the behavioral patterns and related thoughts perceptions and their cognition are studied. And through proven researches and studies theories are formed based on which certain symptomology and guidelines are developed and a particular issue or disorder is treated. A psychologist helps you understand your intrusive thoughts by redirecting them into positive and adaptive behavior. So you need to worry about going to them. They are there to help you move out of the problems you are in. Regarding your issue what was told to you by your teacher that he can read minds, was probably a general statement given by a teacher as they deal with so many students that it is very natural for them to judge their behavior. Secondly, your desires at that age were normal out of curiosity which you felt guilty abput and self-created this guilt and thought people are judging you. That was an immature and natural phase of your life. You need to understand that whenever such thoughts arise divert yourself by doing any activity of your choice. And when you are talking to others and this thought arises you need to understand that the other person is also a body an entity like me and I need not be curious to know him or her. You need to see a psychologist and undergo therapies to overcome these thoughts but believe me no body is judging you or no nody knows your thoughts until you express them.
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Dear lybrate-user, thanks for your query, a mental health expert does read your behavior and thoughts based on your expressions and the content of words you speak. Don't worry any of the mental health experts ever judge you as you are not visiting them to be get judged. The way you have given history which says lots about you, accordingly, 1. Anxiety 2. Fearful 3. Feeling of ghabrahat 4. Persistent intrusive thoughts 5. Negative thoughts 6. The nervousness which indicates anxiety spectrum disorder, you need detailed psychological evaluation and help pf counseling sessions to come out of the presented symptoms completely. You can reach out to me if in case you need more help or more detailed information. Thanks and regards.
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Hi lybrate-user, psychologists are not minded readers, it may have been a guess and or maybe some body language signs made your teacher guess that. However, do not worry about people reading your mind and what you are thinking. Also, there is nothing wrong in having sexual fantasies, so you must not feel shame or guilt regarding the same. Even if he guessed, it does not matter you did not do anything wrong.
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