I am 24 year old girl, having hypothyroidism. I take 50 mcg thyrox tablet on doctors prescription. I want to know about ayurvedic treatment and diet for the cure of this problem. I have anemia too. My hb is 7.5.
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Dear Ranjana Ji, Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain crucial hormones. Now a days the most common cause for hypothyroidism is STRESS and ANXIETY and FAULTY LIFESTYLE. Another common cause is IODINE deficiency. Conventional treatment for Hypothyroidism tends to involve hormone therapy that is designed to replace the low thyroid hormone levels. However, seventy-percent of the people taking thyroid replacement therapy continue to complain of symptoms. This is because this treatment does not solve the underlying problems that causing Hypothyroidism. They are more concentrates in bringing the Hormones to normal range. But this is not the proper treatment. Homeopathy for Hypothyroidism offers supportive therapy in the symptomatic management of Hypothyroidism and can also helps in improving overall health. Homoeopathy helps to produce thyroid hormone naturally by stimulating the immune system and helps in better functioning of the thyroid gland. The main advantage of opting for a homeopathic remedy for Hypothyroidism is that the medicines used for its treatment are made of natural substances and do not cause any side-effects. For further details can consult online. Thank you.
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Lybrate-user ji, thanks for the query. Hypothyroidism is a hormone (thyroxine) deficiency disorder. This hormone is secreted by your thyroid gland. It is required every day for a number of vital metabolic activities and functioning of brain and intelligence. So there is a need for supplementation every day and for a lifetime. There is no cure. It can only be effectively controlled with adequate dosage of levothyroxine. Tsh needs to be maintained around 3 to 4 mu/l to keep all the symptoms in check. This is the only treatment. There is no ayurvedic treatment. If you still want to try please do consult the ayurvedic specialist. Please remember hypothyroidism if not properly treated will affect the menstrual cycle and ovulation. In turn, fertility is affected. Getting pregnant and having a proper development of the fetus and having the desired outcome of pregnancy all depend upon effective treatment of hypothyroidism. Thanks.
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