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I was in a relationship for a month, I have been in a relationship before but this one was quite special, the bond, care,etc. I didn't experience this in my any of previous relationship, this was special. Then all of a sudden her parents got marriage proposal for her, they accepted it though she didn't even like him, his dad is a cancer patient so she didn't want to say anything, she said me all of this and said we shd brkup, after that I have been in depression and I get some bad thoughts like to hurt myself, though I didn't do it, i'm feeling weak nowadays, being sad, now my parents got a marriage proposal at first I said no to my mom but my mom is too emotional, so I had to accept it, I don't want to get married, its lik will I be destroying her life with mine, I don't have any feelings for her. at last I get these bad thoughts of hurting myself lik I don't want to live anymore, bt I think about my parents when I feel like doing it bt I don't know how far this is going to work.
2Doctors Answered
Dr. Jayvirsinh Chauhanyrs exp
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It can be a sign of depression. You can consult me at Lybrate for homoeopathic treatment. Till then take natrum sulph 200 one dose.
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Dr. Sajeevyrs exp
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You need to change our mind and should not allow your beautiful soul and body to be destroyed by the memories of the past. Disappointments in love occur to many or almost all people and by going to better relationships do the people go forward in life. You get married and be happy with her and may not reveal your past to her.
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