I am 25 years old male, I am getting much dreams (like my future, about family, or any other) all the night daily, I not able to feel that I slept for 8 hours, Its all about my mind is even running all the night. Due to this, daily in the morning when I wake up I feel like bit stress on my head (back side) and above the neck.
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Dreams are the realm of the unconscious mind. Every body dreams every night but only some recall their dreams more than others; and some recall them very vividly. If you have indigestion, you are more likely to remember them. These dreams can be quite revealing or may mean nothing at all. So it is very subjective to the dreamer and his or her circumstances. You could take these dreams to a dream analyst for an interpretation to garner some meanings out of them. My concern is that there seems to be some stress associated with them, which means that these dreams have an element of emotions that may be seeking expression. So talk to a counselor about these emotions and take care of them regularly in the form of healthy expressions. You may also attempt to sleep on your left ear only and change your dreams into positive ones.
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