Hi. I am 23f. I am taking krimson 35 since last one month. But unfortunately I missed it for two days. For emergency protection I had unwanted 72. Now I am waiting for my menses. Will I get pregnant now.
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No, there is no chance of missing periods. Are you taking krimson 35 for contraception or some medical condition?
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Hi, If you are taking krimson regularly, no need for emergency pill. But if you have missed few doses then efficacy of krimson will reduce. As you have taken ipill 72 then hormonal imbalance can occur if no preg. But if you are overdue for more than 1 week, get preg test done and can contact me if any problem occurs.
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Chance is very low as you had emergency contraception.
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Hi dear, it’s unlikely to get pregnant. But, still depends upon the date of your sexual intercourse.. also, it is not advisable to take contraceptive pills as it might cause permanent damage.. always use protection for sex..
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