Ankit is 16 years old and suffering from ocd since last 6 or 7 months. Presently he is taking cipralex 10 mg twice a day. Its been 6 months and though he is improving but still we want to know when will he be alright and his medication would stop. What are the side effects of the medicines. Ankit was totally normal and fun loving child and I do not know why he is suffering from the same. Please help.
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Dear Miamoona, Ankit is living with OCD. OCD needs long term tablets. He need not stop medicines at all. The dose will be changed as per his improvement and side effects. He will be normal with medicines. He will concentrate better in studies without OCD. In last 6-7 months if Ankit did not have any side effect means, he may not get one. Diseases come to any person at any time. No one can be free totally from any disease. OCD is a treatable disorder.
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What kind of ocd ankit has? The greater ankit has awareness and understanding of his condition he shall be able to manage and control his ocd or the level of anxiety he has shall reduce immensely. Medicines are to normalise the physical symptoms but tell me if he is. Undergoing any counseling? He needs to take up specific counseling for ocd to understand his reasons behind his obsession and compulsion actions. Counseling will help to unravel the mystery and also train him to cope with his condition better. With time he shall be able to manage without medicines. We can also provide counseling for ankit. Or look for good. Ocd counsellor in and around your area. Don't worry ankit shall be fine, keep the faith.
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Follow this with medicines. Write down your obsessive thoughts or worries. Keep a pad and pencil on you, or type on a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. When you begin to obsess, write down all your thoughts or compulsions. Keep writing as the ocd urges continue, aiming to record exactly what you’re thinking, even if you’re repeating the same phrases or the same urges over and over. Writing it all down will help you see just how repetitive your obsessions are. Writing down the same phrase or urge hundreds of times will help it lose its power. Writing thoughts down is much harder work than simply thinking them, so your obsessive thoughts are likely to disappear sooner.
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Ocd is a long term disorder, for majority life long disorder. Cipralex reduces or control sthe symptoms well. There are also other medications and the right one can be found out by a psychiatrist after few reviews. It is due to serotonin dysregulation in the mind. Like diabetes or hypertension like medical disorder you need to take medications regularly. Not all people develop side effects. If he develops one, consult the treating psychiatrist on how to deal with the same. You can also combine cbt to reduce the distress in ocd. Good luck.
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