My son met with road accident 3 years ago and suffered severe brain injury. Now though he is physically, he is still suffering from acute shirt term memory loss. He was was doing his bites 2nd year. Now due to retaining capacity as very low unable to pursue further education. He is on donep10 mg twice a day sincere than a year and nootropil 800 mg also. He had been given many medicines before that also. But now we have reached a point where we are seeing no improvement in memory issues. My question is that can these medicines hammer the memory if used for so long. Since his accident he is been continuously on medicines are there any other better medicines which can help him in improving his memory.
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These medicines are given for a particular time period to prevent seizure attack and reduce intracranial pressure by doctors after brain surgery. They hold no importance in affecting the memory power of a the medical field no as such medicine is available which will help at this age in improving memory. Psychological strategies are available to improve memory but don't expect any sudden miracle. Right now give your son a healthy nutritive diet including walnuts and almonds daily. Avoid him taking stress and let him sleep well.
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Hi, lybrate user, He should go for meditation to nourish his mind to mind his study. He should go for a walk in the morning to regulate blood circulation. His diet be easily digestible on time to check gastric disorder. Ensure sound sleep for 6/7 hours in the night. Consult ,privetly for a better result,till then give him homoeopathic medicine, underlying; @ Ignatia 30c- 5 drops, thrice. He should avoid, junk food. Tk,care.
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Medications can only stimulate the neurotransmitters, they work for some and do not for others. Especially for those recovering from post traumatic sequelae, it is not easy. Keep trying various options. Good luck.
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