I am 50 years male diabetic since 6 years recently identified hypertensive from 1 years on july 2019 carried out total body health check up hba1c is 8.4 pp is 250 fasting is 158 creatine is 1.0 chol is 159 triglycerides is 103 ecg, echo normal good lv function with positive tmt using tablets dimacrom xr mex 500 od oxra met xr10/1000 1/2 tab od telma 40 mg od concor 5 mg od clopilet 75 mg od rozavel f 20 mg od now fasting 109 hba1c is 6.9 ldl is 84 creatine is 1.1 chol is 148 triglycerides is 89 please suggest can I need cag.
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better to avoid CAG. For health, more is not better, it is usually worse. You need scientific advice on how to stay healthy as you are getting into unnecessary trouble at a young age. please talk to people who are 90 and healthy about their diet. Or read up about the toxic effects of glucose rich foods like rice wheat etc. Also avoid unnecessary medicines like rosavel f. rosavel (without f) is required AFTER heart attack, not before. For treatment of high triglycerides CORRECT diet is very healthy and effective. The F medicine (fenofibrate) should be avoided.
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Tmt positive does need a cag tc.
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No need for surgery. Take urgent consultation with me for the right advice cabg is big money making business you can reverse all the 3 diseases you have naturally with diet, lifestyle changes and supplements alone do not blindly believe your drs high bp is due to 1) faulty diet 2) poor lifestyle choices 3) stress 4) vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It can be cured naturally without any medications with diet, lifestyle and supplements alone .it is a lifestyle disease which needs a lifestyle solution .medicines will never cure bp. It will only control bp which is more profitable for your Dr. provide occupation ,weight ,blood tests, echo results and your prescription. 1) has your Dr. done all the 4 tests for inflammation in the body 2) did your Dr. do all 12 vitamin levels- 3) eight minerals levels. Deficiency of both vitamins and minerals can cause high bp. Free generalized medical advice will never work because the advice is not specific to you and your disease triggers .you get only what you pay if you want only a temporary fix continue with your current doctor and take lifelong medicines and develop more new diseases. If you want a permanent fix take a consultation for reversing your high bp and join my one on one wellness program for disease reversal and prevention send feedback and take consultation if you really value your health and if you are seriously interested in reversing your high bp and other lifestyle diseases without medicines.
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