How to solve serious problem of whitening of hair in very young age? Is there any way to eliminate those white hair completely? What is hair-transplantation?
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Greying of hair increases with nutritional deficiencies. So, make sure to have plenty of milk, milk products, fish, jaggery, spinach, lettuce, wheat, meat. Have calcium and iron supplements. You need to get evaluation for autoimmune diseases. Don't use dyes, bleaches, steam or blowdryers. Avoid spa. You can to start with use brown henna. Avoid swimming in pools. Drink milk and plenty of dairy products to replenish calcium needed for tyrosinase. Include cabbage, broccoli, brussels, kale in daily diet. Have vitamin and mineral supplements. Have spinach and jaggery, iron in it vil enhance melanin forming pathway. Stay away from hairdyes, dryers, spas, bleaches and hot irons. You can use brown natural henna to cover your greys. You need to eat right, include plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables. Avoid chemicals in your hair. Straightening devices can break sulfur bonds in hair. Blow drying vil enhance damage. Have plenty of vitamin supplements. Drink milk and have dairy products. Calcium, copper, iron supplements should b taken. You have to get checked for autoimmune diseases. Hair transplantation is transferring hair from a site of some hair to a site of no hair.
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