My age is 49 years and ht 5.5 ft and wt 70 kgs after detection of hypertension I am using telmisartan 40 mg and metoprolol succinate extended release 25 mg for last 7 weeks after using initially bp was under normal reading 120/82 +/- 3, but now for last one week it is gradually increasing now bp reading is 150/95 +/- 5, I am able to deep sleep only for 3 hours. I am taking medicine during night. Please suggest me is there any need to change medicine? Thank you.
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If the reading is 150/95 on multiple occasions by self measure then definitely it is on the higher side. You need increase of medication. But before that I would advice some workup regarding why sudden rise in blood pressure. You can get cbc, rft, usg kub, ecg, 2d echo done. These are some bare minimum you should get regularly. One another thing I advice my patients is life style modifications: decrease your salt intake, exercise regularly atleast 150-200 mins per week, take adequate sleep of 6-7 hours. They will help you get your bp low without any meds.
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Get ambulatory bp monitoring (abpm) then decide for medicine.
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Its a very crucial time to reduce your body weight and relax your body and mind, so follow below things 1] brisk walking for 20-30 min to be done only on plane surface 2] swimming if you know 3]strict salt free diet and very less oily and spicy 4] good sleep at night follow above things for 2 weeks and if you have uncontrolled dibites and bp then consult me by using code- aj8f08.
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Ask your Dr. to change metoprolol as it can affect sleep. Measure bp only once every week on fixed dates after resting for ten minutes.
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