I am 28 years old and have acne for last 2 months. All over my cheeks and forehead. 1 st day they are swelling bumps 2 nd day they become white small bumps and spread all over. I used benzoyl peroxide gel 5% adp gel and derma due face wash but it's is not working. After so many research in this lockdown period. I want to know can I use glyco 6 glyvolic acid cream? Or some where suggest tretinoin is best to prevent acne and this pigmentation? Suggest which one I should use and the process of using. Glyco 6 glycolic acid cream.
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Tretinoin and adp gel which you are using belong to the same family of meds. Glyco 6 cream definitely helps in pigmentation due to acne over a longer run but more importantly for you is to control new acne so that the pigmentation doesn't occur. You should consult with a qualified dermatologist for the same. And as your age is 29 your acne has more to do with hormones from what I feel so you def need a dermatologist's advise.
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don't worry.. treatment depends on the grade...Acne or pimples... Due to hormonal changes..Oily skin causes it...Common in adolescent age...May occur in adults also.. Food like Oily foods, ice cream, chocolate and sweets increase it.. Treatment depends on the grade of pimples or acne..So, please send photos by direct online consultation as it's a must to see which grade of pimples or acne for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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