I am 20 year old female. I have rashes ans small pimples on some parts of my hands and legs, its itching also. I have washed it with dettol and have applied turmeric also. But still its there and it is itching badly. What can be done to cure this problem?
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Itching is a very generic symptom in dermatology. It can be due to various reasons depending on the age, sex, skin type ,environmental changes like air ,water ,internal health issues etc. Only depending on the cause ,we can suggest proper treatment ,which can be done after thorough examination. Mean while, use a good moisturising cream to entire body to prevent dryness and use cetirizine tablet at night to control itching for few days .wash all your clothes in hot water and dry up in hot sun as your symptoms can be due to scabies (highly infectious disease) also. Please consult online or have direct consultation with your local dermatologist for best advice and treatment.
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Don't worry...you are suffering from allergic dermatitis causing itchy pimples.. Medicine available for good control... Treatment depends on the severity..Do direct online consultation for detailed prescription by sending photos.
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