My father aged 79 has low back pain, pain in the hip and thighs. We had some house repair work and he was climbing stairs for a week frequently and pain started. We met nearby doctor and he had given injection and nucoxia Mr. tablet but pain has not reduced. E are worried if it is only normal back pain or could be some other ortho problem.
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no it may not be normal back pain and you should not consider it so is proved. take proper check up especially CT scan of LS spine and hip joint. you can consult me online for proper treatment.
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counslt to physiotherpist. avoid forward bending,lifting object,ground sitting. use lumbosacrl belt. apply hot pack n anlgesic gel on back. go for x ray of ls spine. for more deatils counslt privately.
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Hi, your father needs to be examined by a orthopaedic surgeon. Based on the history ,there are two possibilities. 1.pain aggrevating due to stress on the aging back bones and discs. 2. Osteoporosis. Weak bone in the back. Sometimes causing compression due stress and resulting in pain. I would suggest you to first get an x-ray of dorso lumbar spine (ap and lateral views) and proceed. Regards.
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