My father is suffering from diabetes from 2012. He takes medicine when he felt frequent urine or some problem. He control it with diet with no exercise. His kidney ultrasound done in 2018 and it was normal. His fasting sugar level is 140 with 500 mg metformin once a day. That he started from a month. Now he felt burning sensation neuropathy from some 15 days. Problems frequent urine neuropathy diabetic retinopathy confusion, loss of memory bp 150/80 request medication advice presently on metformin 500 mg only.
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Hello ..homeopathic medicines cures diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy . most effective medicines are bryonia, Dulca, Hypericum, Rhus tox etc. homoeopathic treatment maintains blood and urine sugar to normal and prevents further complications like neuropathy, nephropathy, eye damage etc.. you can consult me online for treatment.
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Irragular medication is not good to control your blood sugar levels. Rather it is harmful. Diabetic patient should stick to diabetic diet and exercise regularly. Blood sugar fasting should be kept around 100 and pp between 150-170. If you are not able to control it with diet and exercise then take oral medicines under supervision of a physician/endocrinologist who is easily reachable to you. These are imp. Tips to keep your blood sugar levels controlled and thereby avoid complications of diabetes.
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Mr. lybrate-user, thanks for the query. I have seen the details given. However, the information is too scanty for giving any suggestions. I need to know following details before any suggestions can be made or a drug is suggested. 1) current fasting and pp glucose levels and hba1c%. 2) age of the patient, weight, height and dietary pattern in details. 3) serum creatinine, urea, lipid profile and details of all medications being taken. 4) does he have any difficulty in passing urine like very slow flow or does he feel he still needs to pass after voiding? 5) has he got any test done for prostate enlargement? 6) what symptoms does he have of neuropathy and which part? It is better if he comes in a private conversation with all the above details, then I will be able to give specific guidance and even prescribe necessary drugs if required. Because in this communication we are supposed to give only general guidelines, no drugs can be prescribed. Thanks.
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Dear Mr. lybrate-user, your father seems to have multiple diabetes complications like neuropathy retinopathy and some brain dysfunction interms of loss of memory and confusion. He may aslo have kidny damage due to diabetes as he has retinopathy and now requires only a smaal dose of metforminwe need to evaluate him in detail before recommending any treatment. Kindly book an online appointment and have a detailed assessment before any medication can be suggested
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Dear lybrate-user as I can see you your father blood sugar levels are not under control counter side his frequent urination and neuropthy is because of increase in blood sugars. I suggest you to do further investigation like ffb, ppbs.hba1c, rft.based on the result further call can be taken. Till then I suggest you to concentrate on food habits, regular exercise, with absolute no for sugars. #besafe.
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