My mother, aged 54 suddenly fell and started lower back pain. It has been almost two months since the fall, I took her to orthopaedic doctor. Did xray and mri as well and the reports as per mri report impression: mri study of lumbo-sacral spine shows, * mild compression over upper of body of l1 with marrow oedema -other investigation may be done for evaluation. *lumbar spondylosis *disc desiccation in l3 to s1 level. *posterior and posture-lateral disc bulge between l4-l5 & l5-s1 level causing, 1) compression over anterior thecal space and 2) obliteration of bilateral l4 and narrowing of l5 neural foramina. *spinal canalnarrowing at l4 to s1 level. The doctor has suggested surgery, however my mother is diabetic, high bp and thyroid present. She is also having copd. How advisable is to go for surgery considering her other ailments. Medicines prescribed and taken still no improvement. pyrigesic 650 help to reduce the pain rest no medications have been effective medicine prescribed: 1. Proxym er 2.domrab, 3.d shine 60k, 4.calbona xt, 5. Buvalor patch (itching at night after few days goes away with levocetirizine, patch removed now) 6.neurodin g, 7. Pelvic traction (3 times a day) concerns: 1. Should we go for surgery or carry on traction with a little more weight 2. Could nerves be damaged due to injury if we do not go for surgery 3.why is there sometimes itching at nights causing coin like elevated surfaces on thighs n arms. Could it be seasonal allergy? 4. The medicine was prescribed before mri but post mri, the doctor did not suggest any other medicine. Kindly help.
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Answers to your concerns. 1) avoid surgery as there are high chances that it will not be successful and there also chances that the other complaints will increase. 2) if proper treatment is not taken then the complaints most likely keep increasing. And proper treatment does not mean allopathic medicine or surgery as they are not helpful especially in spinal complaints. 3) the itching and eruption is indeed an allergic kind and it is called urticaria. 4) the doctor could not prescribe any further medicine as they don't have any except temporary pain killers (with lots of side effects.). My inputs in the case. There are various ways available to treat other than employed till. Now. Out of which being a homeopathic doctor I will suggest to take homeopathic medicine but with combination of physiotherapy and pranayama. I can guide you further in case consulted properly. You can consult me online from home.
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If she doesn't have weakness of legs and she can control her defecation and urination, no need to undergo operation urgently as she is having lots of comorbidities. She can take few interventional pain management which are less invasive.
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Hello Lybrate user, the pain what is she is experiencing now is due to l1 wedge comp fracture. Which can be treated with brace and rest. Traction has no role for a long time. Unless she has any neurological deficit or progressive neurological deficit, surgery is not needed, especially with so many medical conditions. If you wish you can consult me online.
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Hello the mri suggests a mild bony compression fracture with compression of spinal nerves at certain areas. If the pain persists despite rest and traction, it's advisable to undergo surgery to release the compression on the nerves. Long term nerve compression can lead to intractable pain and weakness in legs also. Get in touch to share the reports and discuss further plan.
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