I am 35 years old suffering from hypertension. Taking metoprolol 25 mg in the mng and trika 0.25 mg in night since 6 months. I am suffering tachycardia in the morning after waking up with dizziness. After 3 hrs of taking bp tablet I am able to walk. Why it is happening to me?
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Hello ,try these simple modification for 15 days- 1.restricted -onion ,garlic, pulses,milk and milk products, bakery,processed and packaged food, oil,wheat 2.eat plenty of fruits, salad and vegetables, coconut water and lemon water 3.cook food in little bit in ghee 4.keep hydration 5.do yoga and nadi shodhan ,neck exercises daily 6.use rock salt in cooking with less quantitiy. 7.take nutriheart, relaxo,arjun chhal juice, easy detox. 8.apply cold fomentation on abdomen for 15 min twice day empty stoamch.
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Hi, Lybrate user, go for meditation to reduce your stress to calm your nerves to check tachycardia and to check bp. Your hypertensive medication inescapable be maintained. Tk, care.
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Is your bp under control? Get your thyroid profile, cbc, blood sugar fasting checked from some lab. In the meanwhile follow this 1. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic) or any seasonal fruit or soaked almonds and a glass of water first thing in the morning (within 10 mins of waking up). No only biscuits or rusk will not do. 2. Don't overeat 3. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever your mother or grandparent eat in bfast. I mean to say whatever is your traditional food. If punjabi eat paratha, if belongs to south then take idli/ dosa etc. 4. Have light meals every 2 hours (in addition to your breakfast, lunch n dinner) e.g. Nariyal paani, chaach, a handful of dry fruits, a handful of peanuts, any fresh n seasonal fruit, a cup of curd/milk etc 5. Finish your dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep. 6. Maintain active life style7. Avoid fast foods, spicy n fried foods, carbonated beverages 8. Take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 9. Drink lot of water.10. Everyday preferably sleep on same time exercise in the form of yoga, cycling, swimming, gym etc.For more details, you can consult me.
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Hi Mr. lybrate-user. At what time do you take metoprolol? Is it a sustained release tablet? Metoprolol controls you bp and your heart rate, so if you are taking metoprolol only once a day which is short acting form -may be by morning the effects wear off and you feel tachycardia. Try taking early morning when you jst wake up. Monitor your bp and pulse in the morning when you are having dizziness. Trika is a habit forming medication and we donot advice to take it for a long time so try getting rid of it. Metoprolol being a beta blocker can also give sexual dysfunction-- you can consider changing the bp medicine.
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