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Hi, I am amit mahajan from pathankot, my enquiry is regarding to my younger sister which is now 36 years old. Her name is monika mahajan. Few years back she has got started some breathing problem (very heavy and difficult breathe) and with that also continuous coughing. With this problem she has felt very weakness just within 1-2 days. After check up with many doctors noting cures properly. Many them of said that it is an allergy attack and it has not any permanent solution. One doctor prescribed a tablet earlier called moncitro (which effectively worked) and after that it has been changed in to montair lc, which also works very effectively. She used it 4-5 years. But last week she also has that problem again but this time medicine does not working. She has got very week now and not even to stand for 5 minutes. Please recommend some solution for this problem with proper medicine.

2Doctors Answered
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