Hi gud morning I am under treatment for stress anxiety and panic attack and consulted to Dr. internal medicine and he prescribed neurobion for vitamin b and nexito plus now a days I sleep for 7 hours my problem is am going week and migraine head pain and shortage in breathing pls I need suggestions for me to lead my normal life am doing a business.
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Dear Lybrate user neurobion is a vitamin b tablet which is good for your health. Nexito plus is for anxiety as you are being given because you are having stress, anxiety, panic attacks. Anxiety leads to panic attacks. You have not mentioned, what is your lifestyle, your working hours etc. Sleeping for 7 hrs is alright but if you are not having quality sleep, then it can be a cause of your migraine. Headache is one of the symptoms of stress, anxiety. Shortness of breath is a symptom of panic attack. You have to take care of your stress. Try to avoid things or situations that cause stress to you. The best option would be to seek counseling along with medicines. Learn stress management skills that will help you lead a normal life. Meditation, yoga would be fruitful.
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Depression, anxiety, panic attack are the disorders best handled by a psychiatrist. I suggest you visit one for detailed evaluation and further management.
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You need to get your antidepressant/anti-anxiety medication changed as you are not able to tolerate same/having side effects. You may have similar side effects if you take medication from same group as nexito (ssris), so you need a medication from some other chemical group, preferably tcas. A psychiatrist only can explain you why you need this or any other medication, how it works, how long will it take to show its effect, how long you need to continue, probable side effects, if any problem to be faced while discontinuing/stopping medication!
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