Hello doctor, I have seen my mom tongue have black dots. What problem is this? Please tell me.
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Black spots on tongue can be an alarming site and can prompt you to wonder what their cause is. but noneed to worry a these spots could be caused by one of many, mostly harmless, causes. Here are some of the causes of black spots on the tongue, 1.Hyper-Pigmentation Hyper-pigmentation occurs when there is too much pigment (which gives our skin, hair and eyes their colour) in a certain area. This can be a genetic trait, or it can develop on its own. This is a harmless condition . 2.Tongue Piercing Sometimes black spots can be left behind on the tongue as a result of a tongue piercing. In the areas where you had the piercing you may have lost pigmentation and this then leaves small black marks. 3.Oral Cancer In rare cases black spots on the tongue may also be a sign of oral cancer. For this reason it is very important to get them checked over by an expert. Do not panic prematurely. Other symptoms of oral cancer are lumps in the mouth and difficulty in swallowing. 4.Smoking/Drinking If you smoke a lot or drink excess amounts of alcohol, then you can develop what's known as a hairy tongue. Of course this isn't hair like that found on the head, but rather fungus that grows on the tongue that appears as black clusters. This will disappear on its own if you stop drinking or smoking and is yet another good incentive to do so. 5.Injury Of course the tongue is a fairly unusual part of the body and is in fact a muscle. As such it tends to react slightly differently to cuts and wounds than would a part of the skin and sometimes areas where you've bitten or hurt your tongue can appear as dark patches. Homoeopathicmedicine LACHESIS 30 ( Dr Reckeweg) Drink2 drop direct on tongue twice daily for 2 months.
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