Hello mam I have use brevoxyl cream which give me good results on my small size acne which not respond from adapalene and clindac but I think brevoxyl contains fragrance and some bad chemicals can you suggest me a safer cream contains same active ingredient.
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Hi. You can use benzac ac/ benzel ac cream, containing the same ingredient benzoyl peroxide. Thanks.
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treatment depends on the grade...Acne or pimples... Due to hormonal changes..Oily skin causes it...Common in adolescent age...May occur in adults also.. Food like Oily foods, ice cream, chocolate and sweets increase it.. Treatment depends on the grade of pimples or acne..So, please send photos by direct online consultation as it's a must to see which grade of pimples or acne for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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The treatment of acne differs according to the grade of involvement. Some people have more oilyness on the face which results in breakouts. After completing treatment for controlling the active breakouts, tablets can be stopped and creams need to be continued to prevent recurrence. Diet and lifestyle modifications are also important. Please don't do any self treatment such as over the counter Steroid creams. Don't burst the pimples with your fingers as it can result in ugly scars. The marks and pores left behind after the pimples heal can also be treated. Please send your photos through online consult option for detailed prescription and diet advice.,
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