I am having anxiety, hyper sensitive nd sleep disorder. Using stalopam plus for last 2 months. Can you suggest any safe drug.
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Dear Upendra, Do you have any side effect with stalopam plus? If not, it is safe for you. Every drug has side effect. It may be troublesome for few persons. Safety is NO organ damage nor any serious condition needing hospitalization. Stalopam plus does NOT have such side effect.
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Hey. Please take psychotherapy and counseling. It's very effective and it will help to reduce negative thinking, fear, restlessness and problems related to sleep. Therapy�can help you uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears; learn how to relax; look at situations in new, less frightening ways; and develop better coping and problem-solving skills. For further assistance feel free to reach me online or through Lybrate chat.
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To manage your issues, kindly do the following exercises apart from medication when done regularly twice a day, this exercise gradually alleviates the anxiety and is a sure shot method to relieve anxiety. But should be done religiously. Make a self rating scale of 0 to 10 where 0 = absence of anxiety, 10 = highest level of anxiety experienced. Each time you set yourself to do this exercise - note your anxiety level on 0 to 10 scale in a copy. Do the rating before exercise and after the exercise. Twice daily. Thus in a day you get 4 readings. tai chi is a form of exercise specifically to direct your hyper energies to slow down and channelize your anxious and stress energy to love energy. It is a tested and tried exercise to alleviate stress and anxiety. Anxiety healing music - search - marconi on youtube mantra to improve focus - url Be/oreeaofi4bg om jaap is one such mantra which allows your vibrations to become positive and aligns you to cosmic rhythm itself for ease in life.
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