I was an extraordinary student 4-5 years ago, but currently suffering from cognition, memory and reasoning problems, I have been advised sertraline, fluvoxamine and clonazepam (as I have ocd and anxiety. Have I been advised correct medicines?
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Dear Imitiyaz, Yes. These medicines are correct medicines for OCD. But the dose depends on the effect and side effects.
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Dear user you didn't mention what is the reason of your ocd and anxiety, what happened 4-5 years back? Now you are on medicines, when you started medicines? Apart from all this important thing is this k you have to aware about your disorder ant it's treatment. Medicines are not a proper solution for psychological problems. You can reduce your medicines and then stop slowly but first of all I need a complete case history of yours and want to guide you about your thoughts and worries so that without medicines you can enjoy your life in a better way, but without knowing everything I won't be able to help you. If you want to get rid of over thinking, negative thoughts, anxiety, ocd medicines are not enough counseling will help you in a better way. If you quit medicines with counseling there are bright chances to get rid of medicines permanently. Change your routine and life style, add some more activities and exercise to your routine, spend time in your favorite activities, meet your friends and one most imp thing strong your will power and enhance your insight. I will help and support you so please call me and discuss all the details. My clinic no is mobile, thnx.
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