I am 42 years old man having anxiety disorder since the last 15 yrs. And my consultant advised me lonazep zepam etc which I can't stop till now. And now i'm taking ativan 1 mg. Should I continue these tablets for lifetime? If so what will be the side effects? please help me doctor.
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Side effects- dependence on t.ativan. Usually these medications are not supposed to be taken for more than 6 weeks. So gradually taper and stopping is advised
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Dear user you can take medicine only for sometime, with medicine you need counseling as well so that you would be able to taper your medicines after sometime and learn how to manage or control your thoughts on your own. All I need is a complete case history of yours and want to guide you about your thoughts and worries so that without medicines you can enjoy your life in a better way, but without knowing everything I won't be able to help you. If you want to get rid of over thinking and negative thoughts medicines are not enough counseling will help you in a better way. If you quit medicines with counseling there are bright chances to get rid of medicines permanently. Change your routine and life style, add some more activities and exercise to your routine, spend time in your favorite activities, meet your friends and one most imp thing strong your will power and enhance your insight. I will help and support you so please call me and discuss all the details. My clinic no is mobile, thnx.
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