Hlo, my mom having sugar before eating is 174 and after eating is 313 she is taking insulin from 1 month both the time evening and morning! and bp is 150/110 and taking the 6 -7 tablet along with it .so I want to ask that why after eating sugar is so high and how to down this and she should always take insulin along with 7 medicine? Pls help to. Down medicine and insulin! medicine are:- tab azulix 0.5/500, tab telsar ch 12.5 mg, tab rosuvas 5 mg, cap nurokind next ,glipon, nicardia xl 30, and liquid depura. And insulin is inj. Consegna 30/70 pls help to reduce it.
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Your both fasting and pp blood sugar is raised. I want to change your all medicines. First send me your latest package reports.
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Hello, Thanks for the query. I have seen the details mentioned and understand your concern. However, a few vital details are missing like : age of the patient, weight, height, dietary pattern, extent of daily exercise, lipid profile, serum creatinine, urea and HbA1c%. To give appropriate suggestions I need to know all the above details. Usually in a well controlled diabetes patient fasting glucose should be < 100 mg or closer to 100 mg, after food glucose should be 150 to 170 mg & HbA1c% < 7%( For patients above 60 years and < 6.5% for patients < 60 years,) From that point her diabetes is totally out of control. In fact with Insulin she should be able to achieve a much better control. Please understand for better health and to prevent or postpone the complications associated with diabetes it is essential to achieve a stricter glucose control. As regards reducing the number of tablets it will depend upon how well she is able to achieve strict glucose control. So please come back with all the necessary information, then I will be able to give specific guidance Thanks.
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Her blood sugar and BP not controlled acceptably.Needs strict diet control,regular exercise and re evaluation of medicines.
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Did you ever check for insulin? Do a insulin test. How many times will you change medicines? Is a human body is a testing lab? I think it is better to take natural food or remedies than putting chemicals for long time in body. Tell me, will your mother ever be cured with the current medicines? Do you think that? I am not asking to stop any chemical medicines but you have to understand that if you want to be cured you have to have natural remedies. Nature gave us everything. A proper diet, yoga can give unexpected result.
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