I am a chronic depression patient. Using medication since last 15 years. Currently taking lamictal 200 mg and paroxetine 50 mg. Though lamictal helped me more than paroxetine with my depressive symptoms, still there is lot of room for improvement in elevation in mood and motivational and memory problems. Kindly suggest safe add on medication that can lift my mood further so that it can address my mood and memory issues.
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Hi, it is good that you are improving with medicines. However not all depression can be treated by medicines only 70% of the symptoms of depression can be resolved with medicines. As I can see you have already been taking a good amount of medicines and those are also appropriate. I would like to suggest you to try some psychotherapy and behavioural activation methods to improve your quality of life rather than adding more medicines.
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Dear lybrate-user, lamictal is a mood stabiliser and it prevents recurrent episodes of low mood in the long run. To lift your mood further, paroxetine and therapy will help. There are few add on supplements too, like same, 5ht, thyroxine, vitamin d, ect. Please discuss your mood and memory problems with your psychiatrist.
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