I have my acne scars, acne pits, rolling scars on my cheeks. My doctor recommended azelaic acid 20%. But results are zero. Can I use mederma scar gel to my face? Is it helpful? Or please recommend another one.
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You can apply aloe vera juice/gel from its leaf (fresh, not from readymade gels available in market) on your face. Remove skin of an aloe vera leaf. Take /scoop out gel. Apply this gel to your face skin. Wash with plain water after an hour. Stop using soap on face. Instead take a spoon of milk, add a pinch of turmeric (haldi). Mix n apply on face with the help of cotton. Leave for a few minutes then wash off. Once a week apply a mixture of besan, milk. Take a spoon besan add milk to make a paste add a pinch of turmeric (haldi). Mix n apply on fac. Leave for a few minutes. Then rub off from n wash face with pain water. Apply moisturizer like coconut oil. Simple honey mask--before applying this mask, rinse your face with warm water to open up pores. Then apply honey and leave it on the skin for 30 minutes. Rinse the honey off with warm water; then rinse again with cold water to close the pores. Use some sunblock with spf (at least 50) every time you go out in sun. Apply it 30 mins before going out use umbrella when going in sun. Wear full sleeves clothsdrink plenty of fluids. Don?t be stressed. For more details consult online.
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Undergo fraxel laser resurfacing therapy.. otherwise few creams also available...for detailed prescription do direct online consultation by sending photos.
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For acne pits no scar improving cream will work. Derma pen or multiple sittings of fractional laser or best is derm abrasion by a plastic surgeon, but this is a surgical procedure. Chemical peels generally are helpful for the discolourations and patchy colour differences.
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If that doesn't work please follow these herbal combinations sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day chandanadi avleh 10 gm twice a day chandanadi lepam relief in 3-4 days and for complete cure take it for 60 days only avoid spicy and oily food.
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